How Flower Essences Are Made
How Flower Essences Work

white drop

How Flower Essences
Are Made &
How Flower Essences Work

white drop

Flower essences have been used to promote physical healing and emotional balance for thousands of years. Before Walgreens was on every corner, people made their own natural remedies sourced from flowers and plants. Meadows, kitchen gardens, and forests were the pharmacy.

Some natural health remedies are created by extracting botanical compounds from plants, such as essential oils and many naturally derived drug-store pharmaceuticals used today. Medieval Abbess and herbalist Hildegard von Bingen recorded some of the first flower-healing practices when she collected morning dew from roses to give to the patients in her care. The dew was said to retain the healing “essence” of the flower, plant, or natural element but none of the biological compounds.

Floral essence users and practitioners believe different essences have different effects on the body and the mind.

purple flowers with a yellow center

Dr. Bach’s flower essences launch the modern era

Hildegard’s work was expanded upon in the early 1930s by British physician Edward Bach, MD. Dr. Bach was a surgeon, immunologist, and homeopath who became disillusioned by Western medicine’s focus on treating the disease instead of the patient.

Dr. Bach developed an interest in natural remedies and ultimately discovered 38 all-natural flower essences that could help people gain clarity, release negativity, remove emotional roadblocks, and more. Incredibly, Dr. Bach used himself as a guinea pig as he was developing his system of essences, testing dozens of different essences on himself and recording the effects.

In 1974, a World Health Organization report mentioned the Bach flower remedies, along with other forms of complementary medicine, as examples of the kind of complementary techniques being used worldwide.

person doing tai chi

flower essences — a natural energy healing modality

Like Hildegard von Bingen, Dr. Bach believed illness could be explained as disharmony between the body and the mind. Von Bingen’s ministrations were based on her spiritual concept of “greenness” or Viriditas—what she referred to as the cosmic life force that infuses everything in the natural world. Eastern religious traditions refer to this life force as “chi.” The concept is the basis of several “energy healing” modalities, including acupuncture, Reiki, and Qi Gong. It is also the basis for the “moving meditation” practice of Tai Chi.

person doing tai chi
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icon showing molecular representation  of vegetable glycerin against a turquoise carrot background
good vibes only light with woman meditating on bed

flower essences:

a natural energy healing modality

Whether you call it "good vibes," an "energetic field," or "spiritual vibrations," most people can feel the difference between positive and negative energy. Research shows negative emotional states like fear, grief, anxiety, anger, and bitterness negatively affect both body and mind. Positive emotional states promote healing, according to decades of clinical research and millennia of common sense.

While you can raise your vibration through meditation, exercise, music, and art, among other things, Custom Essence Blends offers a turbocharged natural flower healing shortcut for uplifting the energetic state of a person or animal to promote well-being with just a few drops a day.

How long does it take Flower Essences to work ?

After just a couple of weeks of consistent use of Custom Essence Blends, clients may begin to notice small but meaningful shifts in awareness and mood. They may find real and imagined obstacles dissolving, and a positive new outlook emerging. After a couple of weeks, even friends and family may begin to notice a positive change.

flower essence blends:

a natural path to higher vibrations

For years, humans have been drawn to the beauty and healing properties of plants and flowers. Flowers have been used to mark life’s most meaningful moments, from birth to loss, to a teen’s first Prom, to opening nights, weddings, Valentine’s Day, and holy days. Flower arrangements are found in nearly every hospital and hospice gift shop because they lift the spirits and are synonymous with the wish to “get well soon.” Flower essences continue our timeless fascination with these beautiful gifts of nature, and allow us to easily incorporate their healing potential into today’s hectic lifestyles.

1-minute video showing...

How to incorporate Custom Essence Blends into a daily routine to help you achieve your natural shortcut to positive change.

How to Use Flower Essences

All-natural flower essences for relaxation.

Flower essences (e.g. Bach Flower Essences) naturally promote feeling calm.

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icon showing molecular representation  of water against a turquoise water drop background
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icon showing molecular representation  of water against a turquoise water dro[
Custom Essence Blends logo with Your Natural Shortcut to Positive Change tag line

Mandatory FDA Notice: The statements made regarding Calm Animal Solution have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any animal disease. Although the ingredients in Calm Animal Solution are generally regarded as safe, you are encouraged to consult your veterinary before using any essence product.

©2024, Catherine Winfree. All rights reserved.

All-Natural Flower Essences for Relaxation

Flower essences (e.g. Bach Flower Essences) naturally promote feeling calm.

Every order is custom blended for your holistic wellness needs.

all-natural vegan and organic ingredients icon
icon showing molecular representation  of vegetable glycerin against a turquoise carrot drop background
icon showing molecular representation  of water against a turquoise water drop background
flower essences icon with turquoise flowers in the middle
unscented, oil-free, non-herbal, CBD-free, and fragrance-free icon
Custom Essence Blends logo with Your Natural Shortcut to Positive Change tag line

Custom Essence Blends offers a calming natural remedy for feeling relaxed. Let us create calming blends specific to your holistic wellness needs.

©2024, Catherine Winfree. All rights reserved.

Mandatory FDA Notice: The statements made regarding custom essence blends have not been evaluated by the food and drug administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Although the ingredients in Custom Essence Blends' products are generally regard as safe, you are encouraged to consult your healthcare professional before using any product, especially if you are being treated for any physical or menatl health condition, or are pregnant or nursing.